Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, October 24, 2003

Wrong end of a stupid animal, several of them

Arial sent me a link to an article that does my heart good. Doom on Xupiter! It's about two teenage dudes that are going after the Xupiter jerks. If you have had experience with this horrible piece of spyware then I feel sorry for you. It is hard to vanquish, but it can be done. Everyone should read this article. It makes me proud of today's youth and drives me mad thinking that assholes like the Yomtobians exist.

Also on that subject - Hey Scott! Gator is spyware! Gator is spyware! Gator is spyware! Gator is dungware!! It's hard to believe that these mule-ass idiots are suing someone because they were called spyware. Well, it is spyware/adware/dungware and these people need to be punished in the deepest realms of hell. They reached an out of court settlement with someone that listed all their 'Xupiter-like' junk as spyware. What has happened to our legal system? A few months ago my insurance company settled with a lady that made a left turn in front of me and hit my truck while driving the wrong way on my side of the road!!!!!!!!!! What complete jerks. Instead of taking her to court (we had two eyewitnesses!) it cost the insurance sissies less to settle with her instead of paying lawyers. Justice in this country? You tell me.....

"If we do not maintain Justice, Justice will not maintain us."
-Francis Bacon

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