Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Trip well traveled

Am back in Mississippi. Drove over 500 miles in the last 32 hours and have been in 4 different states today (took a wrong turn and spent about 5 minutes in Illinois, LOL). Kentucky, Tennessee and Illinois are pretty states, but it feels good to be back at the Beach House. Met some really nice people while gone and my faith in today's youth is way over on the positive side of the registry. More on that later.

BTW, I realize that the picture, links etc are not aligning properly if you are using 800x600. Please bear with me; work is in progress. If you use 1024x768 or higher everything aligns properly. Also, the page is still snafu on loading. Please just refresh a few times and it will appear. Like I said, working on it.

Have to let some ppl know that I have made landfall safely. I know these last posts were short, but reasons as to why are forthcoming. Meant what I said yesterday in the last paragraph. Tell someone you love how much you care. I am grateful to God for my life and my friends. Ima' gonna' get on outta' heah'! Laytor...

"Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness..."
-- Richard Bach

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