Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Monday, December 27, 2010

Music Monday - Jimmy Buffett was Born on Christmas Day

The audio quality of this "video" is outstanding. So if you have a sub-woofer system, awesome headphones, home theater PC link, etc., turn it up! This is one of my favorite Buffett tunes. It's the second track on the Off to See the Lizard album. He sang this song with the Coral Reefer Band many years ago on Johnny Carson and wowed all of them including Johnny.

"He who sings scares away his woes."

Sunday, December 26, 2010

CBS-TV Embed and Share Policy Sucks

Have spent over and hour trying to post a clip from The Big Bang Theory. No matter what I try they block it. Anyway if you want to see it go to YouTube and search for Penny's Christmas Gift to Sheldon. Thanks Ashy for sending the clip. If anyone knows how to embed or even link it please email me at cybersouth@gmail.com. Please use email instead of comments: HTML has a way of going haywire there, lol.

Since CBS-TV is run by a bunch of baboon butt-heads I shouldn't even encourage watching their product...but the show is sooooo funny. FOX, NBC and ABC actually encourage links! This wasn't much of a post. Frustrated now. Will go kill something in Guild Wars. Later

"A lot of people are disagreeable or irascible, or even jerks. But for something to be offensive, that's demeaning to you or humanity it's a repugnant characterization of a dear friend."

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's a Snow White Christmas in Saltillo, MS!

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly."
~Andy Rooney

Friday, December 24, 2010

There Are Angels

The sun is going down and Christmas Eve approaches. Many folks are left with very little to celebrate, but this is a special evening. It will replenish hope. He that died that we might live an everlasting life is the theme behind this holiday. We can all move forward again and again because He is out there watching, loving, laughing with us, crying with us, and most of all, caring. No matter what you've done He will forgive you. NO matter what...He will forgive. Ask Him.

I thought this video might be appropriate. We all need help, some more than others. Please include the families of the fallen in your Christmas prayers. Through their sacrifices can we continue to worship as we choose in these United States of America:

Thanks EdC for a wonderful Christmas gift. Thanks for letting me count you as a friend. Tears of sadness and tears of joy do blend at times.

"Christmas is the gentlest, loveliest festival of the revolving year - and yet, for all that, when it speaks, its voice has strong authority."
~W.J. Cameron

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Random Thursday - ROFL

While watching very serious videos about political issues, foreign policy, the current baboon regime, etc., this video showed up in the list. You may have to be older to appreciate it...maybe not:

As tension eases the format will revert back to normal ramblings, tech help and things considered. Need a few more days.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Be Careful, Chuck Norris is a Big Fan of U2

Don't have to necessarily agree with political views, these guys rock! This song is in my top 5 all time favorites. This is a super video of an outstanding performance in Milan, Italy.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Infrequent Posting

There won't be much activity here for a few weeks. Duty beckons and I must heed the call. Took the previous post down since it was a whine. Please put me in your prayers.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Music Monday - Daryl and Todd

It was inevitable these two extremely talented musicians would sit down together and produce soulful harmonies that would touch one's heart. Todd Rundgren has been around for a while. On his early albums he usually played all the instruments and sang all the vocals (i.e. A Wizard, A True Star). Brother Daddy Dan saw him and raved so much I caught the Wizard act and was blown away. He also raised Liv Tyler along with her Mother. Yes, I know she is Steven Tyler's daughter, but Todd was a grand man stepping in as the father figure during her formative years. I think they all did a great job. Liv is awesome. And Daryl Hall. What can I say? He's one of the truly great ones. Em, thank you for turning me on to the series, "Daryl's House." Extraordinary music up in there! This is live. It moves me...or the earth under me.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cell Phone Blinky Blinky

It's late and my cell phone is on the blink. Have several hours of troubleshooting to no avail. Oh well, tomorrow might be a better day. MJ, your acts of kindness are awesome. Best wishes to you and your family on Thanksgiving. My love and prayers are with all of you. Later,

"Chuck Barris: Hi folks. Before we begin taping today, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Peter Jenks of the Federal Communications Commission. Okay?
Peter Jenks: I don't know if any of you are aware of this, but it's a federal offense to make lascivious remarks on a television network broadcast. The penalty for this disgusting, un-American behavior is one year in prison, or a ten thousand dollar fine. Or both! Anyone making a sick or subversive remark tonight will be arrested immediately. I then will personally escort the offender to federal prison for booking under edict number 364 of the Broadcasting Act of 1963. And it's a long drive to that prison, baby, just you and me. No witnesses.
Chuck Barris: Okay have fun everybody... alright..."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


My side hurts I laughed so loud. If you can't take the 14 minutes or so to watch these two clips wait until it's convenient. Rumor has it that Obama is trying to have these banned. If the shoe fits, wear it!

"Humor results when society says you can't scratch certain things in public, but they itch in public."
~Tom Walsh

Monday, November 22, 2010

Music Monday: I'm Back with Jimi

Sorry about the absence, may go back and fill in a few days with tech help or just consider this time off for R&R. That's rest & recuperation not rest and relaxation, lol. Here's a classic and also one of my favorite Hendrix songs.

If I catch up any on the blank posts during the past few days it'll be for the most tech help and also look fortwo hilarious YouTube videos of Steve Bridges imitating Obama tommorrow. Obama is trying to have him censured. Anyway check it and have a good laugh!

"We have a set list, but we work up a lot more (songs) than we're gonna do. That way we can throw things in and change it around, especially if we're in a place for two days. It's good to keep yourself interested. The last show we did five songs we never rehearsed and that certainly sparked us up."
~Tom Petty

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Due to a massive effort to resolve some health and financial issues, posting will be infrequent for a few days.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Music Monday - Classic Feel Good Tune

Found this while looking for a Big and Rich song that would embed instead of linking. Most of the artists I recognize, but a few I didn't. BTW is you don't like seeing someone give the finger this might not suit your taste. Great tune and a good presentation. Opinions? Can anybody name the group in the 2nd picture? I am thinking Moody Blues, but not real sure. Bet Neal and Daddy Dan can name 'em all!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Don't Care Who You Are, This is Funny!

Got this in email from Ashy. It has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read in my life!! If you are a liberal without a sense of humor you might not want to read any further. You probably will anyway...

From The Manitoba Herald

by Clive Runnels

The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada
has intensified this week, sparking calls for increased patrols to
stop the illegal immigration. The results of the recent election is
prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon
be required to hunt, pray, and to agree with Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck.

Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of
sociology professors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing
their fields at night. "I went out to milk the cows the other day,
and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said
Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota.
The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. He asked me if I could
spare a latte and some free-range chicken.

When I said I didn't have any, he left before I even got a chance to
show him my screenplay, eh?"

In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher
fences, but the liberals scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers
that blared Rush Limbaugh across the fields.

"Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through and
Rush annoyed the cows so much that they wouldn't give any milk."

Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet
liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station
wagons and drive them across the border where they are simply left to
fend for themselves." A lot of these people are not prepared for our
rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one
carload without a single bottle of imported drinking water. They did
have a nice little Napa Valley Cabernet, though."

When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often
wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors
have been circulating about plans being made to build re-education
camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch
NASCAR races.

In recent days, liberals have turned to ingenious ways of crossing
the border. Some have been disguised as senior citizens taking a bus
trip to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a
half-dozen young vegans in powdered wig disguises, Canadian
immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the
supposed senior citizens about Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney to
prove that they were alive in the '50s. "If they can't identify the
accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we become very suspicious
about their age" an official said.

Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are
creating an organic-broccoli shortage and are renting all the Michael
Moore movies. "I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the
Canadian economy just can't support them." an Ottawa resident said.
"How many art-history majors does one country need?"

In case you are wondering Myron Floren was Welk's accordion player. Must end this post and go laugh some more. God Bless the United States and I hope our Canadian brothers and sisters forgive the GOP and Tea Party, eh?

"The Democrats say that the United States has had its days in the sun, that our nation has passed its zenith. My fellow citizens, I utterly reject that view."
~Ronald Reagan

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Random Thursday - Gwyneth

The first video is from a movie she made with Huey Lewis. This is an old Smoky Robinson song and Gwyneth n Huey make it my all time favorite duet. If you are in love with somebody this is a good song to share.

This is from last night on the CMA Awards show. I fell asleep and missed it. Of course it never hurts to have Vince Gill backing you up, but I think she did a good job. No doubt a great actress and a dynamite singer!

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got."
~Janis Joplin

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Most Decent Opinion

Recently, I received this outstanding email from someone that speaks bluntly about several issues and it so happens I agree with him. IMHO, his insight is worth sharing:

Health Care

Well yeah, I've seen it before - it points out how ludicrously out of touch with Joe Common Public the Congress has been for the last - what, 32 years? This fall's mid term elections sure sent a shock wave to Washington - no more "business as usual". Well, in theory. In fact, many things will still be called pork barrel. Many legislative initiatives will still be called special interest. Insufficient attention to an insurmountable national debt will be given, and the Fed will authorize Treasury to print more money that is a borrow against that debt until the dollar is toilet paper. Well, unless we go back to 1913 and repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and force out soverign currency (the dollar) to represent specie of holdings. Even then, our money would be based on promise to pay, not on tangible assets. But I think there is a lot of specially prepared paper at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving that gets unrolled to print unsecured currency. Health care objections are valid, but keep in mind they are about our quality of life, and the principle of free enterprise being usurped by a national government that has no actual authority to do so.

My personal take is that "hot button" things like health care, gays in the military, international banking cartel subterfuge on the world's economy in order to optimize political and social power, taxation and fundamentals of bearing the cost of government - all are important. Yet none of them matter if the PC backassward bending over to "religious and cultural differences" doesn't stop. Unless we actually want a world run by Sharia law, ejecting Muslims - yes the good along with the bad - ejecting illegal immigrants of ALL national origin, no matter how much they pay or what their academic credentials may be, is the most important first step to national security and preservation of our Constitutional based republic. Note I said republic, NOT democracy. Democracy in the purest sense is impossible, since we don't believe "equal", we don't work "equal", we don't reproduce "equal", we don't eat "equal", and above all don't think "equal". And curiously, there is no such thing as "common good". That's a term made up to justify doing things that many people view as objectionable, but can't do anything about it. After the basic four needs are met, there is no such thing as common good. Only food, shelter, water, and self defense count. Everything else is optional, and the options cause conflict.

He received an inquiry as to how to accomplish a return to sensible government and put our country back in order. Once again, I fully agree:

1. Subsidize recall of all outsourced labor back into the U.S. (job recreation, tax base increase)
2. Pay for that with tax credits to the businesses that do it, and impose 100% tax on those who don't (accelerator for point 1 above)
3. Make brokerage of speculative trading (futures and toxic bundle repackaging illegal, enforce it (moves about 1.36 trillion out of foreign banks and back into the domestic economy)
4. Convert defense and education spending principles. For defense, cost out and fund a fixed no-tolerance level of deployment, and make national service mandatory for everyone except the blind, the mentally incompetent, and the terminally ill (keeps standing army-navy-airforce etc level constant and decreases unemployment by a bunch)
On education, revert to local budgets and controls and curriculum criteria, and get rid of Robin Hood treatment of districts (avoids going nationally to the lowest common denominator). Convert ALL taxation to 50% national, 30% state, 20% local distribution.
5. Use a standard tax rate (14% or 18% depending on which economist is right, no matter what the income is). As more people are employed, distress level poverty is reduced - albeit never eliminated - and the state and local services benefit greatly. The Federal income from taxation actually goes up, the state income from taxation goes way up, and the local keeps control of its' share of source earnings.
6. Get rid of "Homeland Security" entirely, and dedicate the military to what is called border protection and enforcement of removal of illegal immigrants. This implies NOT giving such immigrants the same benefits and protection under law as U.S. citizens, while restraining the military from any role in Justice Department process or local judicial process. Might have to withdraw from all foreign outposts as a result, but I'm willing to have that happen. This is a favorite peeve of mine - there is no reason to have an enforcement branch in Customs, Commerce, Interior, etc etc nor any reason to separate domestic and foreign and defense intelligence communities. The communications linkage alone is risky, and ONE superagency can be partitioned across State (CIA), Defense (DIA and NSA), Commerce (OEE), Treasury (IRS), Justice (U.S. Marshals), and general domestic (FBI) at a whopping savings in cost.
7. Outlaw lobbying by industry specific entities. Limit PAC's to purpose statements, which must be made available to ALL U.S. Representatives and Senators simultaneously. No more bills that legislators don't know about, no more power plays based on size of "investment".
8. Dedicate 12% of all other federal budgets - defense included - to R&D and higher education in support of R&D. Reverses the American downslide in math and science education at lower levels, and provides continuous improvement in all operational aspects of living.
9. Prosecute ALL Ponzi and MLM schemes. Cut away at people making huge money simply by acquiring other people's money. (All transactions should be simplex or duplex - direct purchase or barter, or multipartitioned exhange like auctions which are duplex, e.g. sold by agent)
10. Understand and in simple language, make people aware that the deficit is a NUMBER, escalated by derivation of other NUMBERS, hijacked by non-transparent manipulation of currency valuation and government spending beyond what exists - if we are to have a reserve, reinsure it with national depository, NOT in issue of Treasury notes to foreign entities.

Lots more, headed to grandson's football game!

God Bless the United states of America!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Please Don't Irritate (BEWARE There is Profanity in the Clip Posted)

Okay, I've sorta' had it with another fellow named mike west (notice no caps). He has ppl spamming me with all kinds of junk and it's irritating. This has been going on for several years since I offered the addy to him for the price of $1000.00. I won't sell it for that anymore. Fortunately, I participated in early GMail tests and have two very unique GMail addys, mikewest and cybersouth. Please don't send anything to the mikewest address because you will be reported as spam. Use cybersouth@gmail.com. No doubt I may be opening a flood gate, but this is fair warning that I have his real email addy and may ask everyone to send him (or forward) all that junk we get. Tiring, to say the least. It's my intuition that he has cybersouth's page addy and reads it on occasion. Years ago I might have done a DOS baddy thangy. Old hackers know what DOS means, other than Disk Operating System. Don't think there was anything illegal, but did look around a bit. K, am white hat here. all the way, and don't do gray ops anymore. Stopped in the year 2000. But seems like it's not illegal to promote others from jacking with the dude. Chances are you have noticed I am not publishing his actual email addy,yet. Hope he reads this and ceases this annoying invasion of privacy. Guess we will see...

Monday, November 08, 2010

Music Monday - Carrie at Her Best!

Sometimes things stir my deepest music spirit. If you can watch this and not feel it touch your heart you might want to find another country. God Bless the United States of America.

Chills and tears. Yes...

"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God."
~Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, November 06, 2010

More on LAN Party

Getting positive input on a pre-Christmas LAN Party. The 4th, 11th and 18th have all been suggested. Let's rule out the 18th. That's a little too close to the 25th. Any comments? How about a vote? Also some of us seem to end up together around New Year's Day. Great way to start a New Year. Let us all pray that 2011 will be better than 2010. This has been a rough year for a lotta' folks. Hang in there!

"With true friends...even water drunk together is sweet enough."
~Chinese Proverb

Friday, November 05, 2010

LAN Party and Thanksgiving

Let's not LAN party over the upcoming holiday, okay? Forest is going to be busy and I just can't afford it with this lack of income. I'll probably do like last year and feast on bologna sandwiches. Really frustrating too.

I love Thanksgiving and make a mean dressing (use chicken not turkey). Everyone always brags on the beach house potato salad. Real cranberry sauce is super as is good giblet gravy.

Kolcannon is another potato dish that has cabbage and ham or bacon in it plus shallots. It's in the top 5 of my favorite foods. It is an Irish concoction that is over 1000 years old. I am even Jonesing for green bean casserole! LOL.

It's a great holiday and provides the opportunity to thank our Lord for his Grace. So get together with family and we'll look to have a Christmas party for our fellow geeks. Remember, family is more important than Guild Wars. It will be fun to gather a group of our 'Guild Wars family' next month and enjoy a few hours wandering through the three continents.

Guild Wars players: Forest wants some of us to gather this weekend for a dungeon run with huge rewards, i.e. Slavers Exile. We can always have a long distance LAN Party since our Teamspeak server is purring.

"I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends."
~Nancie J. Carmody

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Random Thursday - Merry Christmas from Tom Mabe

Has Tom Mabe ever done anything that's not funny? Can you imagine how she's freaking out?

ATTENTION GUILD WARS players: Several people have inquired about a LAN party during the Thanksgiving weekend. I think Saturday afternoon is good. If there is a game on I am sure we can watch that too. Combination of several great things. Getting together with friends, playing Guild Wars (and other games), food, possibly a ball game combine for a fun filled evening. Agree? Disagree? Let me know. WE have many decisions and preparations so let's get started early. That is, if enough people show interest. FYI, Thanksgiving is on the 25th (Happy Birthday Purple Giraffe!) and LAN Party will be on the 27th.

"Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious."
~St. Thomas Aquinas

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!!!!

Thank you America for ridding us of that governmental tumor Nancy "the biatch' Pelosi. It does my heart good to see people stand up to tyranny and say no! We have the House and improved our chances in the Senate. Instead of being a gracious, intelligent human being our President seems to want a fist fight. My money says he's about to have several cans of whupass opened on him with that attitude. He should pay attention and realize that the US citizens WILL NOT tolerate his goofball legislation and out of control spending. He should 'man up" and try to work with people instead of against them. Hey Barry Barrack Hussein Obama, still think you're smarter than everyone? Still think you are better than everyone? America has spoken!! Thanks folks for voting in a positive fashion. Now we will see change.

Time to stretch out and let the Flexiril finish its job. Just had to post something about my good feeling concerning this victory.

"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."
~Arnold H. Glasow

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

People of These United States:

Take back our freedom and country from the socialists. Speak out and have a positive voice in this election by voting the jerks out. Show the monkey farm, "We are mad as hell and not gonna' take it anymore!"

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb."
~Benjamin Franklin

Monday, November 01, 2010

Music Monday - Foghat

Interesting version of a classic rock and roll anthem that originally started life as a blues song. I like it:

Good performance? If there are no comments then I'll know.

"You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note."
~Doug Floyd

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Post Before this One

Yesterday's post is long, boring and important. Felt like it was best to leave it up in the #1 position for more than one day. At least read the last few paragraphs about the evil email that supposedly is from irs.gov. It may save you major heaedaches and money!

Later, going back to the Flexiril haze. Backaches suck!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Change as a Campaign/Election Platform? Take a Look at Change

What about it friends and neighbors, do you think these United States should remain a Democracy or endorse Socialism? This is being kept on the down low by the current administration and the hush hush is just another example of how they are out to ruin our great nation. To me, it borders on treason. It is, no doubt, treachery and deceit. I am talking about HR-4646. The proposal: If you deposit $5,000.00 into your checking account or savings account the bank has to take out 1% or $50.00 of that money and send it to Washington. Then, any checks or cash you take out of your bank they will deduct 1% from withdrawals or either what is still in the bank and send it to Washington. This is based on an arbitrary figure of a deposit put in the bank. Using $5,000.00 as the deposit example that will equal $100.00 or more, depending on how it's withdrawn, of that you give to Washington (exact procedure is vague, LOL). Check out the unedited article at Standard-Examiner.com

Never contacted your Senator or member of the House of Representatives? Do a Google search for your state and area to find their names and email addresses. Unless you like throwing cash away to please the current administration, this is almost a mandatory duty of ALL citizens of the USA. Let your elected officials know how you feel about this matter. BTW, you can thank Rep. Peter DeFazio from Oregon and Senator Tom Harkin from Iowa for this insane legislative proposal. And guess what? Yep, they are both Democrats. This thing has a timeline attached to be brought before Congress in the next few weeks and voted on no later than December the 23rd. Sneaky bastards are using the hoopla of the upcoming election to smooze it in under the "radar." Might be a good idea to contact your local state offcials too. Above all, remember these robber barons when you VOTE! What has happened to the Democratic party? Are they that lost? Yeah it's "change" alright. The President that promised no new taxes for anyone that made under $250,000 has once again changed his mind. That's his idea of "change" I think.

Last and definitely not least, if you get ANY email from the IRS.gov delete it immediately. They DO NOT email anyone!!!!!!!!!!! This is a scam that could end up taking over your online banking. Research is going on about this problem and there will be more to follow. This is malware at its worst. I have talked to Chief IT/IS people within banks and this is real folks. We have only been able to format drives and reinstall to get rid of it. The poor devils that put this together will be hunted down with the gusto of a hound dog and punished severely. In that part of our government I do still have faith. It has become a major issue in the world of tech and may be the most horrible garbageware to hit us yet. So watch those emails as you open them.

Normally I don't go to this length to deal with things governmental. This is important and you need to do your own investigation. Please, please remember all this when you vote next week. If you endorse TeaParty, Democrat or Indepentent, be sure and vote Republican. Pelosi (she's certainly not "my little pretty"!), Defazio, Harkin and their adherents need to be ousted. November the 2nd can be the beginning of our people taking back our country. Once again, VOTE! Use the comments or email me. Any feedback will be welcome.

"Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits."
~Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random Thursday, Seasonal Song

It's long, but it rocks. Many versions of this song, but I like this treatment. Thanks for the link Ashy!

"'Tis now the very witching time of night,
When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this world."

~William Shakespeare

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Catching Up on a Few Things Techno

It looks like Windows 8 may be due for release in 2012. That's the opinion of some folks. Check it out at Information Week. There are rumors of Virtualization and many interesting links at this site. My opinion? They've done a great job with Windows 7 and the vast improvements in Vista, except for Vista Business, which still sucks, along with Vista Home Basic. Home Basic should never have made the cut, it really sucks. Good guideline is to always buy Home Premium versions or above (with the exception of Vista Business) of any newer Windows operating system. Still use Vista Ultimate and with all the upgrade installs it's a hoot that so many people think I am actually running Windows 7. Have Windows 7 on the Qosmio laptop and love it though. BTW support on XP Pro has been extended to the year 2019. Wonder how the new Windows phone will do? They do have a way of being a bit late, but then smashing the market shares, Zune excluded. Anyway, Windows 8 news is worth watching.

NVIDIA users; Check your drivers. New one issued for many cards on 10/25/2010. It's run on this machine for several days and I seem to see some speed increase and frame rate improvement. Sometimes they do awesome things and sometimes not so much. This one leans towards the positive. Go to their DOWNLOAD DRIVERS site and check it out. Be sure and fill in the info about your card.

ATI/AMD Vid Card fans; Yes, I will start posting update news for your cards too. Running an Asus Silent card in one of my machines and will be checking the site. Hey, both manufacturers are good. It's become no contest. Equal card via manufacturer equals equal performance and price anymore. Bear with me you will start seeing the update links as they are issued.

Still fighting the same 3 machines, but winning the battle on all 3 fronts since making a power supply change in one unit. Got to get back to the bench. Scans are finishing. Later.

"We are always talking about being together, and yet whatever we invent destroys the family, and makes us wild, touchless beasts feeding on technicolor prairies and rivers."
~Edward Dahlberg (interesting concept)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Early start today. Have 3 PCs benched and still can't complete Windows Updates. Mudslingr sent a suggestion and am about to try it. Hate having machines sitting around this close to finishing. One I've had for almost 2 weeks. Thinking about a 'format C:'. Very frustrating. Anyone else that has ideas please let me know. I bet Mudslingr's "fix" will work though. Will keep you posted.

Still trying to become organized and clean up the garbage dump known as the beach house. It's been a most trying year. Hardest on me since 1996. Gosh, the Summer of 95 is legendary and then the world crumbled the next year. Please, everyone stay safe, take your meds and hang in there. Times are extremely rough economically and we must fight our best fight to overcome the current members of the monkey house aka federal government.

Please remember to vote. Tea Party members are leaning towards the GOP heavily in hopes not to split the vote. We've got to run that witch Pelosi out of her current position and start repairing the horrendous mistakes "enforced" by the current administration. That absurd health care agenda MUST be changed.

Back to the work bench. Hope I get all three of these completed today. Sorry about the whines. It's going to get better...

~Dragor Rogue

Monday, October 25, 2010

Music Monday - Timeless

This is not the original Blood, Sweat & Tears group, but David Clayton Thomas is the original singer. Very powerful voice. They are a very old group that had many great hits. I think this song stands the test of time. BTW, is it me or is that Jerry "the King" Lawler playing 2nd trumpet? (Go ahead and insert the 'evil grin' here)

"A verbal art like poetry is reflective; it stops to think. Music is immediate, it goes on to become."
~W. H. Auden

Sunday, October 24, 2010

GW2 News

There is an awesome collection of articles about Guild Wars 2 at PC Gamer Online. One disappointing item is several of their writers are predicting a 2011 release. Also, if you are a Guild Wars player be sure and check out their online Hall of Monuments Rewards Calculator. This will help achieve points that will have something to do with the connection between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.

The release date will be interesting. NewEgg.com still has 11/03/2010 listed as ship date. The GW sites are gearing up like the release will be anytime. We will see what happens, huh?

"Time, time time is on my side, yes it is..."
~Jagger & Richards

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another Great Gaming Buy

If you live in this area, you can pick up a great buy on Guild Wars Eye of the North at your Fred's store. Dragor Rogue purchased a copy for $10.00! Please remember this is NOT a standalone module. You must have the original Guild Wars (Prophecies) in order to play EotN. This a great addition with many benefits and beautiful rendering. It opens up a huge area that is filled with beautiful countryside and awesome adventures. To be precise, 'IT'S COOL, DADDY-O!

Hate that Ole Miss lost to Arkansas. The game was delayed for a while due to possible lightning strikes. Stormy day for the Rebels and Colonel Reb. The black bear mascot sucks!! sucks!! sucks!! Colonel Reb Forever!!!! Give 'em hell Alumni!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random Thursday - Definitely Different

This the only "rap" song you'll ever hear from the beach house. But hey! It's Weird Al:

BTW, have I mentioned how much cringing goes on here when the video is VEVO? Thought I had...

"Myths and legends die hard in America. We love them for the extra dimension they provide, the illusion of near-infinite possibility to erase the narrow confines of most men's reality. Weird heroes and mould-breaking champions exist as living proof to those who need it that the tyranny of ''the rat race'' is not yet final."
~Hunter S. Thompson

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Flu Shots & Windows Updates.

Working on an article and map about where to get flu shots. You can start your search by going here. I finally got one last year and it worked! First time in years I didn't stay sick all winter. Google maps will point out where to find facilities that are participating. You will have to allow them to track your geographic location. I did this and almost instantly it popped up a map and a list with detailed info about location, hours, cost, etc.

Has anyone else found it difficult to download Windows updates? I've been trying with one computer over a week and it fails to install them. Now I have 3 PCs and getting the same results. This machine I am using to write this post has downloaded updates automatically. The 3 PCs are running XP while this one is using Vista Ultimate SP2. Please let me know your experience with this problem and any possible recommendations or 'fixes.' Comments are below and the email addy is at the top of the page. Do know they have issued a lot of updates in the past few weeks.

It's late. Trying to rebuild 3 PCs is somewhat stressful. Each individual machine has its own quirks. These are made by 3 different manufacturers so that's a contention. Be so glad to get them back online at their respective desks.

"The shortest answer is doing."
~Lord Herbert

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

No Call List

Everyone needs to do this:

This program is designed to reduce the number of calls residential subscribers receive from telemarketers. It will not eliminate all telemarketing calls. The following solicitors (telemarketers) are exempt from participating in the No Call program:

1) An entity that does not make the major sales presentation during the call,
2) An entity that does not try to complete the sale during the call,
3) An entity with no intent to complete the sale on the call, but arranges a face-to-face meeting with the consumer to complete the sale,
4) Mississippi licensed real estate agents,
5) Mississippi licensed motor vehicle dealers,
6) Mississippi licensed Insurance agents,
7) Registered securities brokers and investment advisors,
8) Registered charitable organizations or callers on their behalf that receive no compensation,
9) Newspapers,
10) Financial institutions with a physical location in Mississippi that are subject to supervision by an official state or federal agency,
11) Mississippi licensed funeral homes, and
12) Companies you have an established business relationship with or had a relationship with during the past six months.

If you continue to receive calls from non-exempt solicitors after the effective date listed above, you may file a complaint with the Mississippi Public Service Commission. All complaints must be filed in writing. Instructions for filing a complaint and Complaint Forms are available on the website at http://www.psc.state.ms.us or by dialing 1-86NOCALLMS (1-866-622-5567)

For further information about the No Call program see Frequently Asked Questions for Subscribers on the website at http://www.psc.state.ms.us.


Brandon Presley - Commissioner Northern District

I think the rest of the U.S. has campaigns against these jerks. If a call comes in private or unknown I will not answer it.

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."
John F. Kennedy

Remember When You Vote

This is from Memorial Day, but with the election coming up I think poignant. Thanks for a great email Dragor Rogue.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."
~Thomas Jefferson

Monday, October 18, 2010

Music Monday

Several people have requested that this video be posted again. For a little over 3 minutes she's gonna nail you. You think she's peaked and it just keeps getting better. Also, this was in 2006 which meant Orianthi was still in her teens! This moves my music soul, There are no words to describe how she overwhelms me...just listen:

"Beauty as we feel it is something indescribable; what it is or what it means can never be said."
George Santayana (Not to be confused with Carlos Santana)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Way to Go Cyndane!

Congrats and props to Cyndane Eloize, a Superior Air Elementalist, who obtained the title of Legendary Cartographer in Guild Wars. She has explored 100% of the the continents which is a long, tedious accomplishment. Ashy and I were there to help her make the jump across the ravine in Dunes of Despair where she completed this great accomplishment. She has finished many areas alone in 'hard mode' while working on her vanquishing titles. Her need of assistance has been minimal. Shout out to Forest, Merlin and all others that have helped. She will finish Talus Chute in hard mode and obtain Legendary Vanquisher soon. This is one tough gamer who can bring the enemy down with huge strikes of lightning that seem to fly towards her victims from everywhere. She wields one of the best looking weapons in the game, a Moteh's Lightning spire and looks good while doing it. Great effort by a great player!

If you have any major Guild Wars accomplishments you want listed, let me know. I'll be glad to post recognition of your efforts. Remember, contrary to what some believe, I CANNOT read minds so you have to tell me this things! Email your information to cybersouth@gmail.com.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Guild Wars Efforts Endorses Breast Cancer Awareness

Tomorrow at 1:00PM CST Guild Wars will introduce Rosa Salvitas in Lion's Arch. She is also known at the, "Pink Lady." Her name roughly translates, "Pink, who is healthy." She will stay through the end of the month and sell pink dyes promoting breast cancer awareness. The dyes are only 100g in the game and is a great way to show your support of this humanitarian cause that has made great strides in treatment. This has my complete endorsement as does contributing real money. We wiped out Polio and Small Pox (although some muslim terrorists have tried to bring it back} so why not this horrible disease that has touched many of our lives. The damn baboons in the government should be contributing American dollars to such efforts instead of promoting a socialist medical plan that will fall flat on its ass! Let's go, girls and boys!

"October, as you know, is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. To increase attention, I've whipped up a dye that will certainly increase visibility. Would you like a vial?"