Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, May 15, 2003

My daughter and son-in-law from Baton Rouge were over last night . Really great seeing them. I did post yesterday but it was from work and the web ramp kicked the network offline just as I published. So it didn't make the trip. Taking a few minutes of my "vacation" time to regroup before I attend work. Sometimes I wonder if reincarnation is real and I was Hitler in a past life. This week is really important and I've had plans for months to enjoy time with my family. Yet, circumstances deem my immediate attention. Really doesn't matter and I am whining - my sense of duty pushes me to act responsibly. Sad to know that no one will acknowledge or appreciate such effort. Folks just don't seem positive anymore. In the words of those sage philosophers King Crimson (from the song 'thela hun ginjeet'), "The world is a dangerous place, a dangerous place."

Anyone that knows why Office 97's Excel program starts taking forever to shut down, or has a "fix" for this problem I'd sure appreciate any info. Thought it was licked yesterday, but the ugly head has risen again. This is on a machine running 98SE OS.

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