Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Last week Verizon's ISP division was ordered to turn over the names of two of their clients that openly file swap music. They have 15 days to comply. This is due to the RIAA taking them to court. What is the RIAA? The recording industry something something, yada yada....are the Mafia/Nazi thugs of music. They basically double the price of music CDs. Go to Clint Black's website and see the price at which he will download his latest album to you. It's amazing.

Grokster and Morpheus did win their case in court last week. They are not responsible for the content of file swapping on their sites because both sites are strictly peer to peer. This was announced and the RIAA immediately started sending messages to file swappers threatening them with legal action. Madonna has been sending a profane message for weeks now to people that are downloading her latest offering. I have to explain something here: I just edited out a major lambast of these jerks because I cannot talk about them without resorting to nasty language. So to Ms UnAmerica and the goofballs called RIAA - heh heh heh, ha ha ha, nana nana boo boo!!!!!!

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