Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Having a great email round with Chris the Tech from Corinth! I said Booneville the last time I mentioned him and need to correct that error. He's a fellow music junkie and has found a new player that I'll look into soon. Back at work today and actually enjoyed the calls today. Got to see some old friends n that's always great. I must get jiggy with the day lilies, but that is a weekend project now.

Arkansas Mike n Michael r setting up a LAN party. They are Counterstrike gamers and we found a neat site that has a grip on such stuff:


This site is really kewl and informative. Seems to be driven by a bunch of young ppl that know their stuff! It's been around for a while and the explanation about how to set up a LAN party is about as good as it gets. Kudos to these people for sharing information of all sorts. You don't have to be a gamer to like this site, but it doesn't hurt. Tips and tweaks abound and they talk in simple terms. Great site, go visit!

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