Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Jan from New York writes:

"Checked out your website and liked it so much I added it to my
favorites! It is bright, funny and clever. Good job!

I made timely use of your avg virus info. Somehow my norton
antivirus program lost its executable path or its mind. So I decided
to try AVG. Nice...."

Mike from Arkansas writes:

"it is one of those pieces that if it is written well, you know, you just keep reading till you finish, even if you aren’t interested!"

Wow, thanks for the kudos. Now I must do a '180'. I have been thoroughly flamed about my statement concerning Steve Jobs. It is interesting that most of these people were mad about my disrespecting Apple computers and could care less about "Mr." Jobs. It's true that Jaguar or OS10 or whatever they call it today is based on Free BSD, an operating system that seems extremely stable. But, it is "Mr." Jobs personal flavor of BSD and you can't get it from anyone else. So, Stevie-Poo used an open source platform and is now selling it in a proprietary format. There's no convincing Apple users to switch. Are you believing that Apple came out with OS10 and a coupla months later issued what would basically be a "patch" on the windows update site and sold it to these poor people for over $100.00!!!!!! I am sticking by my guns. If you like Apple, so be it. I am staying away from a product that seems to have as many worms as some college mascots out there. Sure hope these Apple people don't find out where I live - they may show up enmass and "core" me to death while screaming 'Baltimore!' and something about 'who's your friend?'. "Mr." Stevie-Poo of the mighty $100.00 update isn't there friend, n that's fer shure!

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