Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, June 26, 2003

The RIAA is at it again. They even made front page of the local paper. Seems the music nazis are turning up the volume! Somewhere in history there was a similar incident, let me think.... oh yeah, the Inquisition!

They've now announced that they are going to prosecute anyone that downloads. And that idiot Orrin Hatch wants to let em have software that'll actually damage a computer that is downloading. C'mon Orrin, don't you think constituents are worried about what's rattling around in your noggin? He's a songwriter and made thousands of dollars in royalties last year. I will obtain a list of stuff he's written (it will be long and unfamiliar - i wonder who buys this garbage?) and post it so we can all download it and then mail him copies of cds. You can contact him here:


Nothing is perfect n Orrin is proof when it comes to the Republican party. He is not a democrat, but easily qualifies as a potential mascot. Say what you want about Mississippi, but I sure am glad that I don't live in Utah close to that village idiot. He's right up there on the goofball list with Metallica and Mo-donna the witch queen. Now there's a group of real Americans. While Metallica is busy worshipping the 'evil one', Madonna is busy dissing Bush and spouting anti-war rhetoric. She needs to go room with Hillary on one of the moons of Mars. Blithering I tell ya, blithering!

RIAA, you may have thrown down the gauntlet that will invoke your demise. I certainly hope so. Think you bunch of slobs will enjoy those front row seats by the fire? Say hello to Osama and Saddam when they arrive.

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