Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

"Oh, my aching back," said the wimpy boy to anyone that'd listen. My brief post yesterday was governed by a lack of perception due to meds for aching back. When I picked up that laser printer and moved it to the bed of the truck it started. Getting old and being fat does not make for a strong back. Still hurts like the dickens this morning but "duty" calls. Don't you just love a whiner?


This seems to be a pretty good site. Am a lay person when it comes to medicine, but I hear this site mentioned and it seems viable. There are many med sites out there so if you have one to recommend please, puh-leeze, email me.

In the words of that great Texas philosopher, Ed Coffin, "Have a better than expected day!"

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