Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, March 19, 2010

Oops I did it

Good Lord in Heaven, I've done it now. Sorta' opened a facebook account because my brother, by blood, the Dan guy, you know who Ima talkin' about, wanted me to have one in order to see his page. Can't find him. Found a few ppl I know and they will verify most of the info entered was false. Damn it, it wouldn't let me use Cabbage Patch Mississippi as a hometown. Sucks huh? Mean no insult to anyone using this spyware ridden snooping anti privacy stuff, but I am just not into it. Asked about relationship and I said complicated and it went off on some tangent not even close to the truth. Just none of their damn business I say! You can darn tootin' find out about what I want you to know by coming here. I will go in and tell them to close it, but my money says they won't. I still get stuff for someone with my name in myspace and he's got to be going ape-sh-- because I just lie lie lie about everything (he's from timbuktu and has 27 wives but is actually really in love with his mule). That's what he gets for spamming my email addy. More on that later.

K, I need to take my meds on a more regular basis and we all know that. My head hurts, my feet stink and I'm not real crazy about Elvis. This saga will continue...no doubt.

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