Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tweet Tweet, Yawn

Just did my first block on Twitter. Looked innocent enough, but the associated URL was a porn site and Twitter spam scares me. Nothing against sex, but certainly don't want it in my face every time the computer boots! I need to post more. Or is it tweet more? My life is just not that interesting. You can growl about the weather and it gets old quickly. Still, it's fun to see what people are doing. Only the computer is used. As a matter of fact, I abhor sending anything from the phone. My keyboard is too small and my fingers too big. Thank the good Lord for the 'recent calls' feature. Okay, is this boring or just me? Mondays have a way of throwing me off balance. Then there is that possibility that boring may be an inherent trait...

As is obvious there is still construction here. The larger banner (aka header) may come back if the "float issue" can be resolved in my tiny HTML mind. I believe the overall look is easier on the eyes. Opinions?

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
~Dorothy Parker

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