Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Links Added

Added several new links. Just click on the one that interests you and off you go! This will eventually be a very long list. Links used to be a separate page, but there was some hosting confusion when MetroCast bought VistaMedia. It's good to have them back on the main page. Am working how to better define each link title and center things in the sidebar. Taking a few days off from trying position the Header. Arggghhh! New meds are taking some time to incorporate and tolerate. No surprises here. Everything is on schedule. Not much more to tell. The elephant will be riding the turtle late this evening (lawn mowing). What a great way to spend a Saturday evening, entertaining the community.

"Crabgrass can grow on bowling balls in airless rooms, and there is no known way to kill it that does not involve nuclear weapons."
~Dave Barry

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