Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Time to Say Hello and Meet the Parents!!

Creep kiddies are busy trying to hack the TeamSpeak servers. All the good folks that use it may be required to submit information to further verify your account. This is really no big deal and it should have been corrected it months ago. I'll post a request for info in the very near future and let you know when the changes will put in place. In the meantime software is being installed to identify them. Then their real IPs, names, parents' names, etc., will be turned over to the proper authorities. Having to go into Admin mode on a daily basis to dump the System Log is about to trample on my last nerve, They have tried every user name in the world except the right ones. Just wait until these no-brainers start trying to crack passwords, lol. Don't they know there is software on WAREZ sites for this sort of thing? And why even bother? I can completely redo either server and have it running in less than an hour. Garbage brains will attempt anything so it seems. Isn't that a pretty thing in today's pix? Bet they all look like that...or worse.

"Where do I want to go today? Poland, Czechoslovakia, France. Can Microsoft or a TeamSpeak server do that for me?"

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