Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Third of January in the Year 2008

It's the 3rd day in the new year. The Iowa caucus is today and it's predicted less than 300,000 voters will turn out to decide on who they favor as candidates for president. Gee, this sounds like a really intelligent way to spend megabucks while campaigning. The polls tell us that John McCain is the national leader of the Republican Party and he's not there doing 3 minute whistle stops. Somehow this seems like an intelligent approach. Who knows?

If the democrats are going to win this next election it's hopeful that they will pick the right presidential candidate. Sorry, I would NOT vote for someone that has attended a muslim school that leaned towards the extreme. Remember, they are all politicians and therefore many tend to lie. That radical muslim schooling and some of his other quirks worry me. What's with this not putting your hand over your heart and sometimes turning your back when saying the pledge of allegiance or hearing the national anthem? Is that truly for real? Or news hype? I don't give a rat's ass if Oprah did endorse him. It still worries me! A lot.

The writers negotiated with the Letterman group, World Wide Pants, Inc., and he returned to CBS last night sporting a full beard. The show broadcast with writers intact as did Craig Ferguson (he's a weird and funny dude). Leno and Conan (he also had a beard) returned, but without writers in tow. Hilary Clinton, who Dave jokes about a lot, did a funny intro, and writers from different shows and different networks read the top ten list of the demands of the striking writers. Read more about it over at CBS.com/lateshow.

Britney's 3rd set of lawyers have quit. Her second legal beagle only lasted 2 days back a few months ago. Even though her newest CD seems to be selling this child has serious issues that need attention. Why don't they get this girl some help?

Now there's controversy about the tiger attack in San Francisco on Christmas Day. Let's see, 3 teenagers taunting a 350lb killing machine and leaning over the rails to do it? Hey I really hate this happened. Death of a child is always a horrible thing, but why didn't they stay home and play Russian roulette? That would have made about as much sense. Besides, what Hitler decided to open the damn zoo on Christmas Day!?!?!?! And why would anyone go to the zoo on Christmas Day? The world is a dangerous place...full of dangerous people.

I feel impelled to wish everyone a Happy New Year again. After just 3 days I think we need a refresher. So Happy New Year! Just hope my truck starts this morning (see yesterday's post, lol). I feel compelled to mention these are my opinions and it is NOT my intent or desire to be whamby pamby politically correct. Don't like what I say? Many other sites exist on the web. Or use the comments feature below every post. Better yet, start your on page and voice opinions. You have that right as an American. Peace out!

"Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel."
~John Quinton

NOTE:The truck did not start. That half full glass is beginning to look half empty. If this negative truck business doesn't stop there may be FULL portion of tequila involved in that glass, LOL!!

2nd NOTE:Okay, this is getting absurd and ridiculous. The battery charger caught on fire (didn't know this was possible) and if I hadn't checked on it every few minutes the truck would probably have gone up in flames. NEVER, NEVER sit the charger on the radiator. PUT IT ON THE GROUND!!!

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