Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two Items, One Tech One Not So Much

Am using a program that scans your computer and not only tells you what is not upgraded, but also links to the upgrades. It's called Secunia PSI. It is freeware and I read the EULA finding no hint of spyware. Now you may have noticed that I have not linked to this site. It needs more review. Those advanced enough to try it know how to locate this program and download. It has a simple and advanced mode. The simple is easy enough, but you find all the real settings and power in the advanced section. After some use a link may be posted. So far so good. This PC will be the guinea pig before links are added. Remember, if you do download, it's your ball of wax. Wanted everyone to know I've not forgotten to lend a hand at tech help. More on this later.

Congratulations are in order for Scott Brown. He won the deceased Ted Kennedy's vacated seat in the Senate. Yes, we can change. We can take back our country and stop all this ridiculous spending, idiotic foreign relations (our President bows to foreign hostile leaders?!?!?!!?!?) and put this derailed train back on the right track. Good Lord I hope we have a decent candidate for that office in the next election.

FYI, comments moderation is off so you should be able to comment and it post immediately.

"No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent."
~Abraham Lincoln

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