Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Guild Wars Stuff (NERD ALERT: You may not be interested unless a participant in GW)

My apologies to those that don't play this game, but this is a rare opportunity for players to collect some nice weapons, consumables, etc., from Nicholas the Traveler.

Nicholas the Traveler is looking for Decayed Orr Emblems. To max out you need 15 per account. This is one of the easiet collection runs seen yet. Don't bother with hard mode unless you need to vanquish. Hard Mode is not that much worse than Normal, but be careful with your aggro. Starting in Temple of Ages for the first run in HM The Black Curtain, Cursed Lands and Nebo Terrace are easily vanquished. Overall, it does take some time even with Cursed Lands being rather small. The other two areas are rather large with bad guys lurking everywhere (lol). Max drops were 3 purple weapons. Had trouble with Suicidal Alesia dying in HM otherwise the party survived all 3 areas, for most of the run (see the bonedragon info below). Be sure your character can take and deliver damage. Claude, Alesia, and Olias tend to move too close and it's good to be alongside to draw some of the assault. Here's the party roster:

I took a full compliment of 8 hence the reason for starting in Temple. Masters is an Aura MM, Olias uses lvl29 Fleshy MM build (both with Masochism) and Xandra is a Spirit Spammer. All have some healing and all 3 can resurrect. So much for the heroes. The henchmen are damage, interrupt and heal. Claude the Cultist is good here because of his slight bonding capability. Both in HM and NM the same amount of Orr Emblems were collected with Normal Mode taking about 1/4 of the time. Just a straight run from Temple of Ages to Bergen Hot Springs and back in NM. All upper class weapons were sold including the gold drop that fell in Normal Mode! They were high req and most not max damage. During Hard Mode after selling drops 5k was collected. 1k was the total during NM. Several Radiant and Survivor runes were salvaged. Oh yes, a hint; be careful around the bonedragon - something in that group can party wipe. Don't think it's the bonedragon either. I barely survived in HM. May be the multiple sorcerers using the skill earthquake. Uber kiting and some lengthy rezzing put us back together as a team. Here's my personal skill bar with 16 in Blood, 13 in Soul Reaping and 3 in Illusion:

Skills left to right are Summon Ruby Djinn, Demonic Flesh, Hexor's Vigor, Life Siphon, Life Transfer, Pain Inverter, Conjure Nightmare, and Signet of Lost Souls. Life Siphon and Conjure Nightmare can be spammed. Along with Life Transfer they equal a fairly constant degen of -19. Don't belive that garbage about not taking MMs. Not all opponents in these areas are, "undead." Zombie Warlocks and Damned Clerics are squishies (live casters). Grasping Ghouls are melee enemies classified as live. You're probably familiar with the rest of alive enemies. There are plenty too. I am sure someone will actually solo (use 1 character) this run and would like to hear about it. Also a unit of 4 would be interesting, especially if done in Hard Mode. Certainly I am not suggesting everyone follow this guide and would like to hear opinions. That's why the comments are just below each post.

"It is a happy talent to know how to play."


Ashy said...

I did it in HM with Ashrhiannon and Discord team went to nermal and they seemed to drop MORE in nermal (they are "regular" drops)
I ran from bergen hot sprinds through the zone near where Nicholas is turned round and came back to Bergen, 3 times, that yeilded 17 emblems and didn't bother to grab drops other than golds and money. i got the usual junk that Nicholas hands out and a Vampiric Dragon Sword, week before last I got his Bo Staff. Betcha Izzy went and Hari-Karied himself!!!

Dock said...

Aha! another good stra-tegery. Congrats on getting one of the best looking swords in the game!

Ashby Rhett Culpepper III said...

Too bad it hasta be Vampiric.....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Survival group against God?? LOL. Good luck with that. Truth is, no one knows the exact time this will happen except the man upstairs, however, I firmly believe that there are people placed here by God that post the warning signs and it's up to you to take heed.
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