Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Protection Software at the House of Beagle

Was cruising over at Beagle's site this morning and am testing the recommended protection software found there. There's a free contest to win a subscription. I read the whole EULA, then entered it. I think their estimations of various software is out of kilter somewhat, but the product scans in the background and found this PC clean. They seem sincere in their effort to help eliminate all the malware bad guys. We will see...For more info go over to the right column here, find the LINKS section and click on Beagle's Live Journal. She is at the very top of the list. My personal opinion of these creeps that write this garbage (malware, adware, spyware, thiefware, hijackers, etc.) is that they are the very scum of the earth and will reside in the lower bowels of hell. That said, a big thanks goes out to Beagle and her ongoing fight in this battle against these cretins. You da' Bomb, daughter of mine!

Still waiting on more photos of the gathering for Mother's birthday this past Sunday and will post when they arrive. Once again I'd like to thank my older brother and his gorgeous young wife for a wonderful shindig. Gosh, the food was tremendous! Many people contributed to the menu. Sis D had many wonderful entrees especially the pasta salad with balsamic vinegar, feta cheese and many other goodies, Lex made an awesome chicken salad, Beagle brought great cookies, Verdana made a sugar free Trifle that was to die for and This Could Be Yogurt (TCBY) supplied the heavenly birthday cake. Oh yes, a good time was had by all!

“A wise and frugal government, which shall
leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of
industry and improvement, and shall not take
from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned -
this is the sum of good government.”

~Thomas Jefferson
One of my favorite quotes, wonder if our President has read it? If so, he certainly didn't understand it!

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