Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Scroll Up for the SpeedTest Link Too!

As requested the Speedtest permalink now resides at the top and bottom of the page. Yes, that is a long way to scroll down. Hope everyone is enjoying a nice day. It was actually pleasant to take time out and mow the yard for a few hours. The neighbors drive by laughing and pointing when I am on my YardBug riding mower. The common nickname around the area is 'Elephant on Turtle', since the mower is green like a turtle and I am, well, a lardass. Now it's back to the grind. Have a workstation and a server to repair plus a great friend is droppping by to do some work on his gaming machine. It's an awesome SLI machine with all the heavy hardware. Hope Windows Update site is in a good mood today. Sometimes their voodoo is hard to download. You can thank that jerk Steve Ballmer for this annoyance!

You may notice that Sitemeter has changed and another source for counts may be sought. Their website and configuration might as well be written in another language. Many good years with a really nice counter then somebody buys it and makes it difficult so you will pay them money. It's the way of the internet. Greed is such a nasty, dirty thing. Later.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.”
~Mahatma Gandhi

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