Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Decision Made

Watched part of Cindy McCain's speech and managed to stay awake to see the acceptance speech. Senator McCain did an excellent job for someone that is not excited about standing in front of a teleprompter. At first I watched on the Socialist TV channel...uh, uh, I meant PBS-TV. After hearing continual rhetoric and comparisons concerning Obama, I did the right thing and switched to Fox.

I pray to God that our nation's population is intelligent enough to see the obvious differences in these two candidates. You know, I'll be the first to admit that I don't agree with Senator McCain on all issues, but he is more aligned to my way of thinking than Senator Obama. As far as experience and leadership qualities there is no question as to which nominee is most qualified. Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience and dedication and Senator Obama is a mere lst semester freshman.

I encourage everyone to vote against giving the reins of our government to a fledgling politician. In order to vote against Obama, you must vote McCain. Every Democrat I know and those that I count as friends especially are supporting Senator McCain. Sometimes you just have to do the right thing. The Good Lord knows I'd cross party lines if the tables were turned. Our nation needs experienced leadership with strong moral fiber. IMHO, there's only one person running that is qualified. Be sure and watch the debate later this month. I think it will help some folks make a decision. My decision is made: Vote for a true American hero and patriot: Vote McCain.

"It's a question of discipline," the little prince told me later on. "When you've finished washing and dressing each morning, you must tend your planet."
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince, 1943

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