Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another Sign of the Apocalypse: AT&T Being Nice

Surfing around and found this somewhat interesting Engadget tidbit: Free Japan calls thru March 31st, via AT&T. Downright scary, I tell ya! Yet, credit where credit is due, it will help many people in many ways. If I had a relative or friend in Japan I'd sure ring the phone off the hook. So (I can't believe I am going to say this), kudos and props out to AT&T! Maybe MaBell does have a soul after all. Now if they stop telling outright lies about their horrible coverage and even worse customer service, it might freak us smooth out! Still, this gesture is a very positive step.

"The Lord loveth a cheerful giver. He also accepteth from a grouch."
~Catherine Hall


Ashy said...

They are sayin free NOW but how much will they charge later per nanosecond???????

Grasshoppa said...

yeah...FREE THROUGH MARCH 31!! after that we will come for your first born, second born, third born, Jason Bourne, Born to be Wild, and David SanBORN! usual text and data rates apply...plus 47%

dock said...


Mudslingr said...

Now I don't care who you are, that comment by Hoppa is funny!

Dock said...

ROFLMAO again!