Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Today was productive and educational. Since the time has come for me to file for additional VA benefits, I had a long talk with someone that works for them that is trusted. In the course of the conversation I was stunned by a fact unknown to me. Out of all the people that returned alive from the "War" in Vietnam less than one third of us are still alive. We are getting older, but such statistics are appalling.

It's not sane to put people in harm's way, then mistreat them when they return. This comes from someone who has had the absolute disgust of being processed through the VA Hospital, Memphis, TN. This is the workplace of some of the most hateful people on the planet.

Whining? Yes, but passing on information that is valuable. If you have a veteran or someone on active duty in your family please remember that war is truly hell on earth. Do not go liberal and turn your back on fellow countrymen that have served to keep freedom a viable option.

A prayer for those serving is certainly not wasted. Upon their return from duty be positive and help them adjust. Show them the courtesy of knowing they have defended a great nation with great people.

When the time comes to elect our officials take this information and make proper decisions. God Bless America and Merry Christmas. Later.

"A warless world will come as men develop warless hearts."
~Charles Wesley Burns

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