Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Haloscan Can Go to Hell

After years of faithful use and support Haloscan decided to stop the comments overnight unless I paid them. To hell with the greedy bastards. Now using the inherent comments engine by Google and it's almost a sure bet they will never charge.

So, what does all this mean? Haloscan has deleted every comment that has been made here. The new comment form is easy to use and it has been tested. Sorry for the inconvenience. If they had given me more than 24 hours warning I might have stuck with them.

Also they messed up my sidebar and it is showing up at the bottom of the page. I feel this was probably intentional. Will work on it over the holidays and see if it will return to the original position.

This is just another piece of junk thrown on the scrap heap known as my life lately.

"If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles."
~Doug Larson


beagle said...

Apparently you are not the only one. I did a search and a lot of people are confused, some are mad, some paid and still lost their comments. The company that bought haloscan (js-kit.com) obviously lacks in customer service. If you go to their site and click support the #1 support article (as of right now) is "refund?" - if that doesn't sum it up...I don't know what will. :P

Ashy said...

Every other time I have seen js-kit mentioned it has been having to do with viri and or other malware being released into "The Wild"