Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Few Brief Items About Progress and Dragon Surgery

It seems that Saturdays disappear. They just don't last long enough. After a morning of medication stupor for back problems I am just now waking up. The SCSI card that was to go into the Alienware is just too old and slow. The dual processor Web Server has a new power supply and I decided to format and reload. It should be online in time for the Saturday night crowd. It will only function as a Teamspeak Server for now. When I get the Alienware online then it will be the sole Teamspeak Server. Of course the Web Server will retain all TS settings in case of an emergency. Ty Roneus and I should have that dedicated electrical line finished tomorrow afternoon. A managed Intel Switch will be back in the configuration as a further safeguard against attacks (had to remember the WYSE terminal password for 'root',LOL).

Yesterday I visited with my oldest daughter, aka Verdana, her two children, the Purple Giraffe who is Beagle's daughter, my ex and ex mother-in-law. Of course Beagle is my youngest daughter. We had fun. Good to see my ex smile and laugh. Everyone was in good spirits even though Mal had a cold and ear ache. The Purple Giraffe and Mal are becoming good friends. Cousins should do that you know. The talk was non stop and Uncle Snake, Verdana's husband, made it in town late yesterday. They are looking for a house in the Collierville, TN area today. They close on their house in Baton Rogue next month. Gee, to have them 1.25 hours up the road is gonna' be great!

Enough! Must attend to business and then try to nap. I have several hours of remote work to do somewhere around the witching hour when no one is using their PCs.

NOTE: Get well wishes for Kudzu Dragons Guild Member Eli's Coming who is recovering from a successful surgery. Won't hurt to put him on the prayer list. Hope you are holding up, my brother. We need you back in the game along with your Warrior Stealth Mode Philosophy - "Kill everything that moves!"

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
~e.e. cummings

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