Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ernestine, You Da Bomb!

Cellphone technology? It sucks. Someone should put a stop to the barnyard material put out by AT&T, least amount of dropped calls my ass. If this is true then all other cellphone services can't be working. Think about it, when was the last time you actually said goodbye to someone in a cellphone conversation?

Ashby Rhett Culpepper, III, Esq., Jr., recently tripped to Texas and assures me that not all areas of the country has the same sorry service that exists in Northeast Mississippi. Then some people that live in far off places claim to have the very same problem - cellphones work at the lower end of the technology pool. Frustrating.

The phones are too delicate and most don't last. Beagle, Mudslingr and I have the Sony z520s. They have lines in their screens and the camera on the beach house phone died at an early date. Well, the camera not working doesn't matter because I never use it. Don't know how to use it. When AT&T took over our upgrade plan was moved to December instead of this past March. That sucks too. AT&T sucks. Yet people spend over $600.00 for iPhones. Brings to mind the Lil Jon phrase, "What?!?!?"

Let's see, back many years ago the guv'ment people made AT&T break up into all the babybells. This was a joke and everyone knew it. Now they've let it reassemble. This bodes ill winds blowing at our cellphone towers. Recently they absorbed Cingular and that seems like natural progression for a company that is trying to devour the consuming public and has no manners whatsoever. As Ernestine says, "We're the phone company, we don't care."

The local Cingular store by the Barnes Crossing Mall has some of the rudest people in the area working and managing. They compete with the Evil Empire. Evil Empire? That's COMCAST customer service department in Huntsville, AL which controls the local area. If you call them and Evil Renee answers, hang up. No need talking to the devil. Her sister manages the Cingular store mentioned. Easiest way to get service from her is to draw a pentagram on the ground and say her name 3 times.

Enough of the whine. Do you agree? Disagree? Make comments. Inquiring minds wanna know...

"Telephone, n. An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance."
~Ambrose Bierce

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