Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Batteries From Fort Knox

After an extended round of meds the lower back is easing. Sorry about the past few days of grumpiness, but when you literally roll out of bed then crawl to the kitchen to pull yourself up, that's wimpy and whiney. Now the modus operandi ramma lamma ding dong is to get about life and recover from the lost time. Rising from a chair is a beautiful thing.

Good news for iPhone users. That battery exchange they will eventually do for you (not something a customer can do) will cost "only" 85 bucks. Hmmmmm, a word comes to mind. Ridiculous! All the reviews indicate that this is a good 8 gig $600.00 iPod, but one of the worst cell phones on the market. If I see you using one just know the internal laughter is there.

"Some village has lost its idiot and he's sitting here in front of me."
~Dr. Phil

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