Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Comments Anyone?

You have every right to disagree with me on this issue. After all this is America. We have been the land of the free for several hundred years and I think the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution has played a MAJOR role in that freedom. Want to stop these senseless shootings in schools, airports, nursing homes? Try placing a trained armed guard at strategic locations. If someone enters the building carrying a weapon, kill him or her.

Think of the jobs this would create. Of course there would have to be intense psychological profiles for potential armed employees in this line of work hence more jobs. This list can go on and on. It might not be a bad thing to make it mandatory that everyone wear a sidearm. Yes, I am definitely in agreement with Charleton Heston, R.I.P., and Ted Nugent. It's an old cliche, but get rid of the guns and only criminals will have them.

Red Dragon sent this to me and I am still laughing. It's a clip from Boston Legal. There are clips and full episodes on the internet and so you can watch more of this show. In the meantime you need to fight these ludicrous, silly, insane notions about taking away the right to bear arms. Let's face it. If someone broke into your house and killed your family you'd spend the rest of your life wishing you'd taken the training to learn firearm usage and safety. Then made the purchase to protect your loved ones.

As mentioned earlier, I don't expect everyone to agree. Nor do I care. I think my attitude reflects the vast majority of our citizens. After all I spent 2 years in Vietnam, was shot twice and I have never pulled a weapon on anyone since leaving the shore of the Gulf of Tonkin. But I will if I feel threatened. And you can be guaranteed in such a confrontation someone will die. Shatner's thing is funny, but if you ever are in such a situation don't shoot to wound.

Thanks Red Dragon, great friend and fellow Veteran.

"Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway."

~John Wayne

EDIT: Thanks for the nice emails and calls about my recent dive off the ladder. The ear infection is still there and the scrape on my shoulder makes it difficult to use my right arm. Hey at least I am left handed, lol. Please have some patience. I am trying to work some in the field today. It may end up with my lardbutt sprawled on the couch. As Roseanne Roseannadanna said, "It's always something."

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