Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Browser Speed

Tomorrow will be busy. I am playing catch up on several projects and need to turn in early tonight. Today was spent trying to regroup after an extended round of back pain. My doctor's appointment is at 2:30PM tomorrow. Just a short note to thank Mudslingr for the help with the broken peacekeeper link included in yesterday's post. Now you can go see how fast your browser is running. Also, after some extensive speedtest.net work it was discovered that Chrome seems to travel slower on the internet than Firefox, the fastest, or Internet Explorer. Yet it doesn't seem any slower while browsing. Don't let the liars at AT&T or COMCAST fool you. Speedtest.net is accurate. We've tested it on several different ISPs and you can bet your speed is being reflected properly. Local surfers need to use the Atlanta server since it is included in the beginning of most inquiries originating from our area.

"If ever we hear a case of lying, we must look for a severe parents. A lie would have no sense unless the truth were felt as dangerous."
~Alfred Alder

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