Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sergeant at Arms, You Say?

The market is recovering and the Phillies won the World Series. They defeated a team from Florida, the Tampa Bay Rays. The yellow dog media is going all out to get that junior senator from Illinois of questionable background elected President. Thank the Good Lord for Fox News. God bless Senator McCain and Gov Palin. Nothing would delight me more than for them to win. If Matt Lauer, Regis Philbin, Oprah, that usual gaggle of Hollywood Halfwits, Mr. Susan Sarandon, the Good Morning America crew, the New York Times and others in the media have anything to do with it the election will be a disaster.

October 28, 2008, at 7:06.07PM CDT this site was visited by the United States Senate Sergeant at Arms office. The IP used was 156.33.100.#. The operating system was XP and Firefox was the browser used. The visit was to the front page. The "good" Sergeant was here for about 1 minute. Yep, it's true. The old senate.gov in all its "glory." This fed found this site via MississippiPolitical. This is a site I often link and will put back in the links list now that I've discovered how to republish my links page. I am not always in agreement with MississippiPolitical, but it is a well written site that has a plethora of good information. They are pro-Obama and that's their right as U.S. Citizens. Still, you can read a variety of articles and the links page (Cybersouth is on it) is awesome. Keep up the good work, please. Just like the feds to snoop around. I could give a rat's ass less what they think. Remember, we have a Democratic Congress. Just thought I'd mention it in case I suddenly disappear. Haven't seen any black helicopters yet, LOL.

My morning start is way behind schedule so I'll cut this short and hit the dusty trail. Hang in there and remember tomorrow we can TGIF.

"The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment."
~Robert M. Hutchins, circa 1954

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