Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Monday, August 11, 2008

iDarth, Oops! He's Doing It Again

Apple ran a commercial many years ago during the Superbowl that made fun of Microsoft. The premise of the ad was that Bill Gates and company were a real life version of George Orwell's 1984. Time has proven that this did not come true...well, not exactly as predicted. Apple's market share of PC sales is still around 3% while Microsoft hovers around 90%. Funny how time has a way of revealing the truth.

Old iDarth (for those that don't read the beach house ramblings frequently iDarth=Steve Jobs) is obsessed with control of the Apple iPhone and what people do with it. Fortune has an interesting viewpoint. Be sure and read the whole article. The kicker is in the very last paragraph.

Slashdot, a longtime favorite site of the beach house, has an article that supports the notion that iDarth has a bad case of gettin' his control freaky on. Seems the iPhones can "call home" and report what you are downloading, applications that you are using, etc. Apple claims it's a security procedure. How about it iPhone users. Does that insult your intelligence? It should.

If you want to spend what I consider a small fortune, have horrible battery life and know that Steve Jobs is spying on you, there's certainly nothing I can do. Really, there's nothing I want to do, but I am compelled to inform. So have at it. Far be it from me to stop someone from using a product manufactured by a company that has only captured 3% of the PC market all these years.

"Well, of course, I'm the wrong person to ask. I like to dial numbers with one hand, and maybe I'm the only one."
~Bill Gates (Asked if he would buy an Apple iPhone)

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