Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Sunday, August 19, 2007

It's an Animal Kinda' Sunday

The BeHoBODY awards will be announced Thanksgiving. Why? Just seems like a good time. It is right in the middle of the holiday shopping season and may help folks make decisions about gifts. It also gives us a little more time to watch the leading buffoons in our country. Above you'll see a rare photo of the two leaders of the race holding a conference about Zune and iPod. Definitely creatures of their environment. Who's the favorite? Clown Prince Ballmer or Darth Jobs?

Arnold, opossumus germanicus austriabodicus, made his rounds last night. He's finally found a way to turn over the green dumpster and I had to run him off. He sat across the side street glaring and I think I saw him point at the 'Mom' tattoo on his arm. About two hours later the feral cat, Hateful, that I feed on occasion was screaming like a banshee. Arnold took out his frustration on old Hateful. I found a way to secure the dumpster thangy. No doubt I'll find his favorite grill turned over again. It's NOT the one I use for cooking.

Nightlife at the beach house is definitely affected by this hot, humid summer. Enjoy Sunday and please stay out of the heat.

"I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."
~Winston Churchill

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