Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, May 21, 2005


The Tupelo Daily Journal, a local newspaper, has a resident 'rocket scientist' who professes that Star Wars is not good science fiction. Marty Russell decided to take a swipe at the Star Wars saga on the 18th of May, one day before the newest film in the series was made available for public viewing. Possibly a tattoo on his forehead that says FOOL is on order? It won't be legible because of space limitation. He probably doesn't consider The Night Land, by William Hope Hodgson, The Well at World's End by William Morris, or A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay good science fiction. Wonder if he knows about Frank Herbert? Or Isaac Asimov? Maybe Arthur C. Clarke? How about Robert Heinlein? You grok weaselboy?

This varmint wants to be Lewis Grizzard it seems. Sorry Farty Marty, you are just not qualified. He claims to be a "purist" sci-fi person and blatantly committed review suicide before even seeing the film! What a jerk! One nice thing comes from this lunacy. My use of the Tupelo Daily Urinal, oops I meant Journal, will remain almost nil (wish I hadn't read THIS garbage). Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith is producing all time box office records and rodentdude says it's not good science fiction? Let's hope this vermin doesn't develop further illusions of grandeur and make the trip to the Cape in July for the shuttle launch. They have enough problems without his 'rocket science' expertise.

There's a can of Chewbacca whupass for idiots on the beach house steps. Care to guess whose name is on it?

"Most fools think they are only ignorant."
-Benjamin Franklin

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