Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Freedom is NOT just another word for nothing left to lose

If you have visited here before then it will not be any astounding revelation that the beach house is pro Windows. I don't know Bill Gates, he's not someone that I'd especially like to meet (sitting and talking to Bill just doesn't seem that appealing), but I do admire his perserverance and drive to create a better computing atmosphere planet wide. As has been often said, left to Darth Jobs over at Apple we'd still be using garage technology and paying thru the nose for it. Gates stopped that. But, Microsoft has gone too far. Please visit Thought Thieves. Here is the entry form. You must have Acrobat Reader or some such .pdf reader to view this little ditty.

This is a contest/campaign in the UK about people and intellectual property ownership. The 14-17 year old age group are being encouraged to "rat" on others. This is about as low as it goes. Let's see, the Nazis encouraged children to tell on parents that were not sympathetic to the party. Many of those folks were put to death. George Orwell wrote a book about this titled, "1984." Gee, that was required reading in high school. Guess nowadays it's more important to study the "works of art" like 'the evolution of mass profanity in rap music' than to read a classic of literature that swayed world opinion about Totalitarianism and brainwashing.

Our world is sadly becoming a place where privacy and individualism are headed towards extinction. Just the other day a bill was passed in Congress that will make our state drivers license a national ID. Read about it at CNet News. This will be law in 3 years and it's downright sneaky how they included this on the tail end of a military appropriations bill. People, you are sitting on your dead asses and giving away your freedom. Stop this! Contact your Congresspeople. The ability to publish this for others to read is an extremely precious thing. Our founding fathers may be rolling in their graves.

Answers? Mr. Gates, write better code. Don't punish the consuming public because your people are sloppy. Congress, don't take away states rights. We had a civil war because of this federalistic approach and don't need another...

"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
-Abraham Lincoln

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