Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Early Saturday Start With The Bird

Cleaning up Twitter. Dropped some people that I've been following since they spam with useless information. One group was dropped because they are still supporting a cause that is long dead. My favorite is still beagle. Needless to say her posts have relevancy in my life. Some folks had just posted once. They are now gone. Will once again make an effort to tweet more. My twitter name is dockvudu and I DON'T accept followers from porn sites. Gosh, there's a lot of those out there.

Amazing at some of the info that springs from this well. My favorite part of Conan O'Brien's show is Twitter Tracker. I rarely see it. Yes, I remain a loyal Letterman fan if up late enough to view. Hate he's been giving Sarah Palin a rough way to go, but that's mild compared to all the really nasty jokes about Bill Clinton. Hillary too. She really had a good time with Dave when she was a guest. Well, Bill deserved all the jokes...probably the first President to sit for a portrait with his pants off.

Twitter and politics. Interesting - to me anyway. Enjoy Saturday, I am working as this is written. No rest for the weary, blah, blah, blah! Even though the chance of rain is 50%, you can take it to the bank that we'll see some before today's out. Probably flash flood warnings at the very least. Do the local weather witchdoctors never look at the radar maps?

"Humor is a reminder that no matter how high the throne one sits on, one sits on one's bottom."

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