Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Roomba! Wherefore Art Thou?

Finally, I have a day to work on spring cleaning and yard maintenance. A schedule is being developed. These tasks cannot keep building up. Three machines on the bench and they have to be finished by Monday. NBD. Remote sessions in networks should only take 2 or 3 hours. So, dishes shall be washed, floors will be mopped, yard will be mowed, crepe myrtles trimmed, washer and dryer put to use. Other procrastinations are due for completion. Time for the beach house to be livable again. Later this next week I am going to try and coax that smelly growling thing out of the southwest corner of the garage.

This is a thrill to know chores stand a chance to see an end. You know, it really doesn't take much to make me happy. And I am not digging for well wishes, but today is my birthday. We've stopped that celebration. Remember when air conditioning was installed for the first time in your home? Old Man Carrier installed ours. I cried. Tears of joy. Anyway, today the dust rag is in hand and do-rag is on head. Pretty nice birthday suit! Ain't life wonderful?

Hmmmmmm, it looks like rain is coming. Rain is nice. Gentle sounds splashing against the roof and windows. Very soothing. Such a calming background. Yawn. Eyelids are getting heavy. Time for a nap...and dreams of a Roomba.

"If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it."
~Olin Miller

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