Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Internet Service Provider and Sad Derby

Internet connectivity is back up. Storms were abundant last night. Just finished watching the Kentucky Derby. So sad that the 2nd place winner broke both front legs.They put her to sleep right on the track. NBC had the good taste not to air this depressing event. But, you can be sure the liberal death and destruction news media will play it for days though. What a grim bunch of idiots.

Liberals just suck. And those in the entertainment industry are truly halfwits. Someone might question my frankness about such things. Wouldn't want to discourage readers one might think. Well the liberals and terrorists (many in the news media ARE terrorists) need to stay off my page. Don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or whatever. Just don't go goofyass on us with pansy negativity.

Yes, the back is better and I am feeling a little froggy today. Time to catch up on email,etc. Metrocast is my new ISP since they recently bought Vista III Media. Hope this is not reflective of their maintenance. Vista III Media had us spoiled with excellent service. We'll see.

"One reason why birds and horses are happy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses."
~Dale Carnegie

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