Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The Phoenix Mars Lander touched down successfully on the 25th and is now sending back pictures. Read more at NASA.gov. What a nice way to start a great exploration. Space geek here and will constantly monitor the NASA site for news. Think they will find evidence of water? I do. If you'd like to see a great photo spread concerning the red planet check out the Mars Photo Album from MSNBC. Thanks out to EdC, that great Texas philosopher, for a most interesting link.

Everybody is raving about the new Indiana Jones movie. Several people have emailed or called to say Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a must see box office smash. 311 million bucks the first weekend? Yep this is a winner. This blockbuster has truly landed at your local theater. Click on the link and learn about this movie. This site is very well done and has several clips.

Glad to see that folks nationwide honored our Veterans on Memorial Day. Does everyone know that John McCain has been to Iraq every six months since the war started in 2003? God knows this man realizes the horrors of war. After being a Vietnam POW he can identify with the rigors of being a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine. His recent actions against the proposed GI Bill alterations will actually improve the whole concept. What has Mr. no hand over heart Obama done except promise some vague sort of "change." Change what?

I try to stay out of it, but Obama scares the hell out of me. His continued support of his racist pastor, Jeremiah Wright, really bothers me. His extremist Muslim background rightfully bothers Christians living in a land founded by Christians. Of course, my vote will be for McCain. Wish there was some way Hilary could win the nomination of her party. This vague, smooth tongued Obama fellow doesn't deserve the nomination IMHO. How did he even get elected to ANY political position? Are there really people that stupid in the world? Guess so. And hey, if you don't agree, tough! All my Democratic friends say they will crossover and vote for McCain, or as one put it, "against Obama."

Please remember this is NOT a forum. If you disagree with my political stance you may flame on by using email. My addy is cybersouth@gmail.com. This site reflects my attitudes and opinions. If you vehemently disagree with me then go somewhere else. Better yet, create some type of web site and voice your opinion. I will stand up for our rights as Americans and am a believer in free speech. Soap box is being pushed back under the bed now.

"We have the Bill of Rights. What we need is a Bill of Responsibilities."
~Bill Maher

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