Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Thursday, September 28, 2006

There's a Dumbass Spamming This Site

Vietnam Veteran here. Spent two years over there. Hated it. Folks I didn't even know were trying to kill me. When their effort was great, I killed them back. Came home a wreck and tried to put together a decent life. It was horrible. The Purple Haze years. Most of my fellow Vets that saw action are still a little crazy. With the help of a group discussion once a week for over a year my life actually developed some meaning. Just lost and crazy. Many of us have done this and it's nice to know that the killing stopped long ago and only appears in my dreams on rare occasions anymore.

Why admit all this now? There is a fool spamming my comments. I just want the no good son of a bitch to know that when Haloscan finds his ISP I might not be in a good frame of mind. I do have the means to travel and some of my government trained skills are retained. I have done nothing to you and deeply resent your childish pranks. God help you when I find you.

Okay, maybe all the craziness has NOT been cured. This is the last I will comment about it until I have the name, address and phone number of this jerk. This info will be published on this site. So there, and just keep doing it. I want you to do your dead level best and please use profanity or threaten me. C'mon and we'll see wins. You may not realize exactly who and what your dealing with... and no threat intended, just a promise.

"A fool often fails because he thinks what is difficult is easy."

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