Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Just Love the Sound of Server Whirrr in the Evening or Pass the Parsnips Please

Four hours of file transfer and the servers still aren't through. This is an unusual way to spend a Sunday evening. Of course it can't be interrrupted and the parameters for users, privileges, etc. will have to be done as well. Just another day in paradise.

Thank goodness Subway has come to Baldwyn, MS. Really didn't think I'd be this long. There's just something about cpa data that takes time. The sound of numbers crunching can be heard throughout the building. Other than that it's quiet.

As I sit awaiting the file transfer to cease, eating my Subway sandwich, it is intriguing to read articles about weight loss at eHow. Here's one that is interesting, but just a little too vegetarian - How to Understand Dean Ornish's Program. This is worth another look. Vegetarian? Can you imagine the grill flaming with me bent over it basting a head of cabbage or tofu burger? Hamboni the Seer says this is not in my future unless done as a joke.

Later y'all.

"It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato."
-Lewis Grizzard

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