Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

One Ringy Dingy, Two Ringy Dingy

Cell phones are a necessary evil. Years ago my Bell South home phone was removed because they are liars. When the initial switch was made the monthly bill was supposed to be under $80.00 per month tax included. The Bell salesman even calculated. I know this because the noise of the calculator came over the phone. Hah! It averaged about $130.00 per month. BTW, they were not my long distance carrier. There is also the matter of a $200.00 cash rebate that never happened.

If you have a problem Ma Bell can't seem to find anytime or anyone to aid you in your communication fubar. They can sure find someone to call and inform you that your bill is due in a few days. Let's see, dunning someone for payment before it's due; there's a concept. So, they are evil.

The semi-functional cell phone is not much better. The signal comes and goes, the phones are not sturdy, the help department (Cingular anyway) pat answer is to pass the buck, they radiate microwaves and usually are hard to hold to the ear for an extended period of time. Yet, we just can't live without 'em. Momus has a good article about all this at Wired News

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
-Arthur C. Clarke

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