Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Morning Launch

First I lost the keys. After a nerve racking search they were found. Then clothes had to be washed. Just didn't have a thing to wear. The cell phone has been on the fritz. It locks up sometimes. Seems to be brought on by my need to use it for something important. To the car finally and one of the tires was almost flat. Out comes the mini air compressor. Come to find out all tires were low. Filled. That mini compressor rocked!

Then the phone started working and someone called complaining about my being late. This happened as I had keyed in their number to phone and tell them I was running a few minutes late. Then I discovered the batteries in all my devices were low. Okay, from some scary reason all the appropriate chargers were in the car. Whew! Now we're rolling!

Oops. What's that? My wallet wasn't in the pocket. Steering wheel is 180ed and wallet retrieved after a minimal search. Back to the car. Let's go. Let's go! And that's when I first saw the train across the road. While sitting several cars back sipping my coffee, a realization shook me. The cup's half full! Good go! Then I proceeded to spill the majority of it in my lap. See why I need your prayers?

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."
-Henry David Thoreau

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