Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Nerd Stuff About Ghial in Guild Wars

Lotta' talk about today's Zaishen mission in Guild Wars. It's ganking Ghial in NM or HM. He's the Necromancer that carries Animate Flesh Golem. He also has an awesome minion master staff. I was not only the first person in our group to become a Necromancer, Maskull Tor, but he was also the first character I ever created. Still my favorite by far. Neal and CC gave me the game for Christmas on December 5th in 2005 and I created Maskull on December 9th of that year. So my selection of first character took a lot of study. Ppl still want him in their group. And I'll go, but you have to let me take my 3 heroes. Think about it. How many of you have Superior Vigor runes and max runes plus insignias on your heroes? I'm talking bloodstained boots n all! He also has a full time Ruby Djinn. and max Pain Inverter. Maskull tends to stay alive with his own crew where it's not so good otherwise. Thanks a bunch Neal and CC for the original Prophecies. One of the nicest gifts ever. Dan and Dena sorta top that list, but that's another tale for another time. Thanks JK for the wonderful addition of the Factions, Nightfall and Eye of the North GOTY module. I have not been in a bar since owning these games! LOL!

I need to let the yard dry one more day and plan on making this run in normal mode and hard mode throughout the day. This is serious stuff to me. Wearing my dark blue wizard type robe with hood up and plan on wearing it throughout the day (it's a tad chilly in the Deep South today). Thanks JK and Uncle Snake for this wonderful gift. Absolutely gorgeous robe. Floor length too. Oh yeah, completely ignore the maps on Guildwiki. There's a much easier route to take and it's at least twice as fast. Don't even try the route from Senji's Corner. Ashy likes going from KC and I like starting in the Marketplace. KC does give you a better selection on henchmen for sure. Heck, just nail me when you get in the game and we'll gank him and another boss. On the way you'll meet a mantis monk boss, Zinfaun Lifeforce, that drops one of the all time rarest scepters, Zinfaun's Belief, in the whole game too. It took me over 200 attempts to get that scepter, but I own one! Then there's the 50 something Jade Brotherhood you'll obliterate along the way and you'll usually get a jade bracelet and 13 bolts of cloth (us old pros running this route call these items "complimentary" lol). Be sure and target their Ritualists first. BTW Ghial's Staff is VERY rare since it is 20/20/20. Don't think it'll drop much today, but bring a Signet of Capture if you don't have Flesh Golem. Merlin of Buckhorn has found a way to push those big, bad boys to level 29! Downright scary!

And you non Guild Wars players imagine us playing some form of Pong or Pac-Man. ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Thanks out to Ashy for a super heads up!! Go Dragons, BAs and all the rest of our friends! I think a good time will be had by all.

"Ha! Let's see your bone dancing evil ass do a jig now as you lay dead on the deck!"

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