Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Help...It's a Good Thing

Beach House Saltillo is always open for changes. A few months ago I made a change that puts the links in bright red. If you see an embolden bright red phrase in a post that's a link. If interested, click on any of the words in red and it will automatically take you to the link. When finished close the link and you will return to Cybersouth, from the Saltillo Beach House. I have a red/green color blindness problem and that red text glares at me. So please don't tell me you cannot see it. Besides, it's in bold text. Or maybe it's time to see your local friendly eye doctor. The silly thing is the links were in green before the change. Does anyone else see the humor in that?

My site takes time to load all the goodies, but is still very fast. My pipe (bandwidth) is huge and Metrocast works very hard to keep their clients up to date. So slow loads may be our fault on rare occasions, but it never hurts to check browser settings. They can make a huge difference in quick page transitions. Firefox, Google Chrome and IE8 all have awesome help sections. Just click on Help in your browser (it's at the very top of the page) and see if you can speed up and improve the quality of your browsing experience. Firefox has enormous flexibility. There are add ons and extensions for days. Two I won't be without are Greasemonkey and Interclude.

K, going to put a link in here to help identify what they look like in these posts. Go to Firefox Help to view a vast amount of easily navigated information. When you get through close the link and you return to this page. Chrome and IE8 also have super-duper help pages. In the meantime, update your protection software, run those scans and help us all experience safer browsing. Hope this helps! Peace out!

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
~Dr. Seuss

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