Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hippity Hop

The beach house possum that visits, on occasion, to terrorize the neighborhood cats and dogs is quiet. After the last round with the fuzzy brown dog Arnold, Opossumus Austriabodicus Germanicus, has not been seen nor heard doing his normal prowl. His extended absence is nothing new. Not to worry though, he'll not go long without creating a ruckus of some sort. German possums are that way you know. Let us hope he does not mess with the Easter Bunny.

It's Good Friday. I hope you have the day off. Today is the day of the Paschal Moon which means Easter will be this Sunday. If you are one of those people that regard Easter as a pagan holiday then may the Good Lord help you. This is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Down through the ages some local customs were incorporated into the celebration. They don't deter the main purpose of the holiday. Somehow I can't picture God looking down from heaven and being upset with children hunting eggs or eating chocolates. Children have a hard enough path in today's life.

"Don't go in there! There's an attack rabbit in there!"
~Monty Python (in that King Arthur like movie)

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