Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Memory and Sleep Aid

Found an interesting article about swap files aka paging files aka virtual memory files. These are various names of hard disk space used for memory mimicry when your real memory has been consumed. Good answers are found in the comments after the article (scroll down). Go to Slashdot and read How Much Virtual Memory is Enough? With the trend to go 1GB and above for memory you might want to rethink old ratios used to answer this question. Yes, you can let Windows manage it. Some folks think that Windows manages too much. Confused? Okay, let me tell you about the latest possum activities around the beach house.

Arnold, opossumus germanicus austriabodicus, welcomed a new dog to the neighborhood last night. In the aftermath it became apparent he rushed down a tree and stopped the constant yapping of a small terrier by terrorizing it in a most efficient way. Rolling out of bed to see why all the barking I heard the yapping turn to yelping which then became more distant as the dog retreated down Water Street. Using my trusty flashlight I walked out on the veranda and saw Arnold scurrying back up the tree. Shining the light down the street I saw the little dog standing there trying to turn the yelps back into barks. After a few minutes back in bed all the noise stopped and the dreams returned. Nice to have a watch possum.

"Cause I'm livin' on things that excite me,
Be they pastries or lobsters or love;
I'm just tryin' to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin' and shove."

-Jimmy Buffett

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