Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Good to Be Back

In the words of Jimmy Buffett, "I have dreamt some tremulous dreams." The venture to mow half the lawn at one time (the yard is a little over an acre) plus moving some stuff created a numbing backache that could receive the warp whine award of the year. Thank goodness there is Flexiril. Their motto should be 'it makes the pain go away and you lose a complete, whole day' or something like that. It also creates a hangover, but the pain no longer exists. So I had a day off, in bed, and I don't remember much except the dreams were about work, tremulous work.

It's time to get busy. Enjoy your weekend and pray for rain - we need it.

"One can write, think and pray exclusively of others; dreams are all egocentric."

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