Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My Kingdom for a Jelly Doughnut

Coffee is made, the clothes are drying, my schedule is planned and the Camino is ready to launch in an hour. Sometimes life is good. My ability to sleep has been improved with modern medicine and overall mood seems to be more casual. Rest is wonderful.

The diet commences in a few days. The exercise pattern has to drastically change. Finding the time is tough and I am just not walking in the dark. That means dedicated early rising. It is time to change el lardo into le buff.

WikiHow has an article on How to Calculate Your Body Mass Index. My scales are groaning. Stay casual out there and eat a doughnut for me!

"Gluttony is not a secret vice."
-Orson Welles

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