Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, August 29, 2003

Coconut bra n grass skirt

Video Music Awards aired last night on MTV. It was an effort to get thru the 3 minutes I watched. Born in the wrong generation? Many classic tunes that you hear so often today were constructed and performed when I was a lowly musician hacking at a keyboard on stage. As is apparent in most music from the 60s, 70s, 80s people had to be talented to get air play. There was harmony, instruments in tune, good lyrics (thoughtful or silly) and an impact that left lingering melodies in your head. Now all you have to do is wear you pants down below your ass crack with ugly boxer shorts pulled up to your neck or dress like a gutter slut n you can get a contract. It's also required that you mumble a lot , have non-sequitur lyrics and always sing in the key of H. Sorry, rap to me is like listening to Metallica or Moe-donna - a waste of time. K, I wasn't born in the wrong generation. Nice to have Buffett playin in the background. Better a grass skirt n coconut bra than to dress like some skank ho.

Labor day weekend approaches. Everyone please stay safe. If using alcohol do it responsibly. Don't even think about getting behind a steering wheel if drinking.

Parrotheads call a great party a Phlocking. One nice thing I've noticed about parrothead gatherings is that some folks stay 'designated dry' and make sure that others don't leave bombed. Probably an idea to consider. Phlock responsibly.

Now for some humor. Corinth Chris n Tina sent this to me. Being a fan of Jethro Bodine and Milburn Drysdale, I laughed!

Trojan worm, Beverly Hillbillies style

"If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind."

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