Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Riders on the Storm

Worried about tropical storm Cindy? FoxNews has the scoop. People living in southernmost Mississippi are using the 'birdmeter' and staying home. Just the other day my friend Joe was telling me about how coasters watch the frigate birds when concerned with weather. Still, high winds are always a threat. It's sure raining at the beach house today and I am several hundred miles inland, lol. Oil platforms have been evacuated, traffic is light along Highway 90 and July 5th, 2005 is the earliest that four storms have been named during the season. May be a long summer weatherwise.

Weather services on your desktop? Try WeatherWatcher. It runs in the background, easy to setup and Mike Singer promises no spyware. If you are using Google's new personalized homepage try activating their weather function. Not as detailed, but still a nice feature. Have a favorite weather app? Let us know. Please, no damnable WeatherBug or WeatherScope. Policy here is NOT to promote malware jerks. If you are running WeatherBug or WeatherScope have you noticed more popups while you scratch your baboon hide and eat that banana? You will.

"We will never be an advanced civilization as long as rain showers can delay the launching of a space rocket."
-George Carlin

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