Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Friday, February 11, 2005

My name is Bill and I want you to have this copy of Mandrake

Microsoft started offering their "own" version of spyware blocker just a few weeks ago and now there is a Trojan horse called Bankash-A that is suppressing warnings, stealing online banking files, ripping passwords and deleting parts of the program. Yes, what Microsoft really needs to do is start hassling everyone about authentication and NOT let the security fixes flow freely. Yep, that'll really help matters. Hmmmm, a company that can't even write secure applications wants to verify authenticity? Right! Like they will stop the piracy by abusing innocent people and making a general mess of a situation that is almost out of control?

What gives at the house Mr. Gates built? How long have I preached that spyware is our greatest problem? How many times has it been mentioned these malware people should be hurled into volcanoes? Billy boy, you are the best promoter of FreeBSD and Linux on the planet. It is disheartening to see a company that has done so much for the computing industry fall by the wayside. Start at the beginning and work from inside. Deal with the current problem and accept the fact that XP will never be truly secure. Don't make the same mistakes with Longhorn (new Windows flavor due out in late 2006). Write secure code and quit abusing your public by withholding security fixes and encouraging the spread of malware. Is greed so important that you will jeopardize your position as leader in the world's foremost industry? Or do you just have your control-phreaky uniform on? Read about it over at CNET News.com.

What is your opinion? Inquiring minds want to know. Send an email or use the comments.
(Edit: Yes, I know the comments are tarfu - working on it
2nd Edit: Comments are back working, sorta', mebbe', halfway...)

"Don't like Gates? What if the industry had followed Jobs instead? People would be using $5000.00 plus machines with two year old technology and have to buy all peripherals at an exorbitant price from one company - Apple."
-Ashby Rhett Culpepper III, Esq.

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