Ramblings, opinions, and general meanderings from the Deep South

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Lower than a snake's belly

It has been mentioned here that spyware poses a greater threat to computing than virus infections. Please read Rick Broida's article at ZDNet. The Watchguard chart is very interesting. Something has to be done about these thugs.

In a related story, InformationWeek informs us about how some crooks are using spyware to exploit the recent Microsoft announcement they will ask for software verification to prevent piracy. There was a warning here three days ago about this problem! If you get anything from the "Windows XP Activation Team" please disregard it. This is an attempt by phishers to glean valuable information from you.

Here's a post from DVHardware. It's short, poignant and scary as hell. If you work for any of these creepy, slimeball spyware companies then you are sick. Get help. Start by quitting your job.

"I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed."
-Jonathan Swift

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